
How Shingles Can Affect Your Eyesight

By David F. Box, M.D. Shingles is a common disease caused by the chickenpox virus. In the past, primary chickenpox typically occurred during the childhood years. The chickenpox vaccine was developed in 1995 and has been routinely administered to children in developed countries for many years. So, it is currently rare for a healthy child. . .Read More

Astigmatism: What Your Options Are

By Dr. Michael L. Hopen, Ophthalmologist Astigmatism is an optical condition in which light rays from an object do not focus to a single point on the retina because of variations in the curvature of the cornea. Astigmatism can cause blurring and distortion of the vision. The cornea without astigmatism is a smooth sphere and has. . .Read More

Computer Vision Syndrome and Digital Eye Strain

By Carissa M. Barina, M.D., Ophthalmologist If you spend time in front of a computer, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of having eyes that are tired after long hours staring at a screen. You strain to see well and your head may even hurt. With the surging popularity of smaller devices with visual displays. . .Read More